
Faster Records.
Faster Demands.

Learn why the nations top law firms are outsourcing medical records.

Demands Ready Report

Your unrealistic demand goals just became reality.
Your staff thinks that your demand goals aren’t possible, but you know that more could be sent each month. The truth is, you are right. More demands are available than the staff realizes, but they need tools to identify them and bring them to the surface. Do the same work, but change the order in which tasks get done. Your case management system isn’t built to prioritize demands, but the Demand Ready report will help your team send more demands without doing more work.

Direct Delivery

The case manager that always puts the file in the client’s folder and properly updates your system.
Every law firm struggles with training and consistency. Especially in bigger law firms where consistency becomes the number one challenge as more people touch the case. When everyone is doing it their own way, then no one is doing it the same way. Everything seems fine until somebody leaves. When a case manager doesn’t follow your system, something as simple as reviewing a file can feel impossible. When it should have been done right the first time, anytime spent correcting the case is inefficient. When another case manager needs to take over, the amount of time necessary to update and correct the file can be costly. However with Direct Delivery you can be confident that it is always done right.

With Direct Delivery, every record and invoice is automatically scanned and stored in the client’s folder. Instead of relying on a case manager to remember to follow a process, Direct Delivery always works. Records are automatically downloaded from portals, faxes, emails and the post office, then scanned, coded, processed and copied directly into the client’s folder. Additionally the value tab, records tab and client’s case are always current and up to date without requiring your staff to do the work or follow procedures.

Documents Dashboard

If your staff is reviewing records while preparing a demand, it is already too late. At that point just one record that is missing a single date of service can hold up the entire demand by as much as 60 days.The Documents Dashboard gives your staff a tool to review records before the demand is sent. You also will be able to hold your staff accountable for records review which will speed up the time to send demand and lower case expenses from re-requesting incomplete records.

Total Pay

Data entry without the entry
Total Pay is an automated bookkeeper that pays provider invoices, pre-payments then digitizes the invoices and automatically stores them in your client’s folder. It also prints, stuffs, stamps and mails checks, then updates your client’s value tab for collection charges and provider invoices, sends an IIF file to your accounting team for transparency and reconciliation.


Integration so advanced it needed its own name
Your staff is busy and they don’t have time to enter information twice. Legal assistants are constantly pulled in many directions. Typically they have four bosses: The owner of the law firm, their attorney, the operations manager, and the client. Each boss has their own list of priorities and they constantly feel overloaded and are looking for ways to save time. They need tools to help them get their work done faster and more efficiently.

Fully integrated with:

Three Easy Steps to Quick Records

Learn why the nations top law firms are outsourcing medical records.


Upload a medical authorization ONCE per case and submit your request with one click.

Check Status

View a request status quickly and easily; our work is fully transparent.

Access Records

Any and all documents are uploaded instantly and are always available thereafter.

What our clients are saying

Ashley, thank you so much for all of the hard work that you do for my clients. I really appreciate it! You and your team are rockstars. It has been a pleasure working with you. Keep up the awesome work.

Emily Marshall

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Make managing records easy and painless

Focus on your clients. Let us take care of the rest.

Sign up for Records Collection!

Online Version

Per Record Ordered
Minimum 200 records per month
This is an easy solution for all attorneys. It allows for easy online ordering and receiving of records providing full transparency.


Per Record Ordered
Minimum 200 records per month
For attorneys who use a major case management system we enable full integration for seamless and effortless ordering and receiving of records.

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About Us

Legal Monkeys started with the simple idea that we wanted to find a better way, and we haven’t stopped innovating our record collection services and our new marketing services. Our goal is to transform the world of personal injury law by offering products and services that allow you to bring the focus back to your clients while we take care of the rest. Let us know if you’re ready to discover a better way to service your clients and grow your firm.
3028 Barron Road, College Station, TX 77845